Our multi-tiered approach is highly customizable based on your needs. Some clients are looking to simply purge, edit, and refresh their closet, while others want to hone in on any gaps they need to fill via personal shopping.

This is a full closet overhaul which makes you feel ten pounds lighter and like you have a new wardrobe without purchasing a single additional item of clothing. Magic! Simply put, if you see more, you wear more. Together, we meticulously go through your entire wardrobe and organize it into categories of keep, part ways with, donate, and sell (if you’re interested in this avenue). We then set up your closet for maintenance success by organizing everything you are keeping based on fundamental visual merchandising principals. It erases moments of milling in front of your clothing frustrated by a lack of options and that cliched but justified sense of having nothing to wear. After closet curation you will easily see what you own, access everything, and get dressed in an efficient and invigorating way.

We know shopping can be agonizing, especially if you’re not quite sure where to begin or are tired of circling back to the same brands and resources. Together, we strategize precisely what you’re looking for, recommend stores, and cultivate the perfect selection of options. We make shopping the highly efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable experience it actually should be and if leaving your house to shop sounds like the very last thing you want to do (or have time to do) no problem at all- we’ll bring the store to you.

Perhaps you are feeling a little uninspired in the wardrobe department recently and would love to infuse some new life into pieces you already own, or aren’t quite sure how to generate outfit ideas. Perhaps you’ve recently gone through a major life transition (new baby, new job, new anything, really) and need support navigating how to dress for this chapter while still feeling like “you”. That’s where we come in. Styling consultations take place in the comfort of your own home where we try on key pieces in your closet, chat about what’s working for you, what’s not, what your wardrobe goals are and how to get you there. You’ll walk away from this session with photos of fresh new outfit ideas for easy morning reference, inspiration about how to fill any existing gaps, and a surplus of confidence in what you’re putting on.
* Pairs well with Closet Curation and/or Personal Shopping Services

We’re lovers of fashion and of wonderful people. That mash-up is a pretty spectacular one, and something that offers endless creative opportunity. If you want to work together in any way, for an event, gathering, speaking engagement, or styling workshop- drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.
For pricing and scheduling inquiries, please utilize the contact form or reach out directly via lauren@lsrstyling.com